What Does the Toto Arena Contain?

The Hall comprises 5 viewing booths and 5,400 seats, which were engineered and designed to provide am optimal and enjoyable viewing experience, both for children and adults. All the viewing booths are elegant and well-equipped and provide an unforgettable visual and vocal experience. The “Hangar”, comprising a covered parquet, is located beside the central Arena, spanning over an area of 1,200 square meters and serving as the home arena of the Rhythmic Gymnastics Association of the Israel National Team as well as the home arena of the “Hapoel Holon” Rhythmic Gymnastics Association. Periodically, the Russian National Rhythmic Gymnastics Team is being hosted and trains at the Hall, the eternal world champion that arrives here for training camps.

Hangar in Toto Holon Arena

The ”Hangar” provides a response for trainings and games of all sport branches and serves as home for entertainment, culture and social events. Besides the ”Hangar” resides the ”Assembly Hall”, equipped with an amplification system, a 75-inch TV, tables and chairs, suitable for holding conferences, lectures, press conferences, workshops, birthdays, parties and even culinary events combining a selected catering. In addition, the Hall comprises a wide entrance intended for suppliers which provides full and comfortable access to the Events Hall as well as to the other various Halls. Thanks to the equipment and the large staff, it is possible to prepare for holding events, performances, productions and games very rapidly and within a short time and suit the place for any type of audience and population. Want to hear more details or book an event? Please press here.